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Давай поженимся от 26.12.2017 Неопределившаяся невеста

Эфир передачи от 26 декабря 2017 года

Героиня передачи — Марина, 43 года

давай, поженимся 26.12.17 Марина фотоЗамужем была всего один раз. Старший сын получил родовую травму и остался инвалидом. Но семью это не развалило. Позже у пары родились еще двое детей. Но груз оказался неподъемным, и мужчина решил найти уголок поспокойнее. Он ушел к другой женщине. Марина прощала мужа и пустила снова к себе. Сама любовница набивалась к Марине в подруги. Написала ей СМС, намекая, что именно с ней муж ездил на отдых в Турцию.
Муж уехал на заработки на север, а Марина осталась в Иваново. Через время узнала, что у мужа есть любовница. Он вместе с ней трижды приезжал в Иваново и снимал любовнице квартиру.

Муж трижды бросал любовницу и возвращался к жене, но остаться так и не решился.
Мама невесты считает, что ее зять страшный человек, просто тиран. Он и пил, и бил, и гулял от жены, а она ему все прощала.


Первый жених Александр, 46 лет

давай, поженимся 26.12.17 Александр фотоРаботает участковым врачом. Дополнительный заработок нашел в области спортивной медицины. Любит активные виды спорта. Собирает непристойные анекдоты. Гордится умением улыбаться, даже когда находится в глубокой печали.
Настолько привык к размеренной семейной жизни, что случайно изменил жене, которая его на 10 лет моложе. Случайно изменил жене один раз, когда дочке было полтора года. Позже жена поняла, что что-то не так, и стала расспрашивать. Тогда-то Александр и признался в неверности. Продолжает помогать жене с дочкой и каждое лето забирает ее к себе.

Вторым с невестой знакомился Сергей, 46 лет

давай, поженимся 26.12.17 Сергей фотоРаботает менеджером по продажам. Мечтает встретить этот Новый год вместе с новой семьей. Гордится, что в 46 лет смог кардинально поменять свой образ жизни. Любит готовить и сам по долгу выбирать продукты. Считает, что излишне разговорчив.
Женился на женщине, у которой уже было двое деток. Привык к ним настолько, что считает их родными. Своих детей поначалу не решились заводить из-за маленькой квартиры, в которой жили, а потом уже и не хотелось. Несмотря на разные интересы смогли вместе прожить много лет. Разошлись из-за излишней ревности супруги. После возвращения с театральной премьеры жена встретила скандалом.

Третьим претендовал Виктор, 43 года

давай, поженимся 26.12.17 Виктор фотоСельский гармонист, владеет семью музыкальными инструментами. Гордится коллекцией автомобильных моделей. Мечтает о хозяйстве с курочками и свинками.
Через тринадцать лет брака узнал, что супруга приворожила его. Заметил, что теща с тестем стали закрывать от него под ключ домашние инструменты. В очередной раз не найдя вещь в хозяйстве, стал искать бумаги. Нашел три письма, написанных почерком жены. Одно было на приворот, второе на его незаметность и третье на смерть. Даже когда уже окончательно расставались, жена все пыталась его чем-то накормить.

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2 Ответы на Давай поженимся от 26.12.2017 Неопределившаяся невеста

  1. MK:

    Dear inventors of the TV format «Let’s get married»

    One month ago I had the opportunity to introduce myself to a very cute Russian wife from the little city Yartsevo nearby Smolensk. At the beginning I was very sceptic about this way to getting introduced to this woman, because she created a profile in a German dating website and she entered a German city as her hometown. During the exchange of emails between both of us it came to light that she is not coming from Germany, but from Russia. A girlfriend of her has helped her in setting up the profile on the dating website. This girlfriend of her has found her husband in Spain by means of the Internet and now she wanted to help her best girlfriend to find her husband as well by means of the Internet. My Russian letter friend has told me this story during our email exchange. During the span of two weeks we have got more and more attracted to each other and she has sent to me lots of pictures from herself and her family. My feeling for this wife became stronger and stronger and finally I felt in love with her allthough I only knew her by the email exchange. She has confessed as well her feelings for me. In the mid of the month of December 2017 she has tried to reach me by phone. With her own landline connection at home she did not succeed in establishing the connection to my phone number. She was therefore forced to buy some international phone cards in the nearby post office. In this way she finally has succeded in calling me by phone twice. For the first time I could hear her lovely and cute voice. I have confessed her my love and she seemed to be very pleased as far as I believe. Unfortunately the phone calls have been very short, because the international phone cards are very expensive. Anyway now her lovely voice is in my mind all the time and vice versa. We have begun to setup plans to meet each other in Germany at my place. She was very surprised how expensive it is to travel to Germany with all the paperwork and the fees that have to be paid in order for a Russion citizen to leave the country to visit a place in Germany. I have offered to her to pay those fees, and for that task she gave me her complete contact details, among others here complete name and adress, because up to then I only knew her name. After having received that data I immediately began to search for her hometown and her exact living place in the Internet. This has been a peace of cake. I became more and more curious and thus I wanted to know what data could be retrieved if I look for her complete name in the Internet. What I then have found, has shocked me a lot: There has been a data set of a person with the same name than my Russian girlfriend, who betrayed man by telling them to be in love with them and then asking for money to be transfered to her. My heart was almost broken and in the next email I forwarded this information to my Russian girlfriend. She rejected the idea to be this person and wrote that this must be a big misunderstanding. I wrote her back that under theses circumstances I cannot support her financially in order to make her travel to Germany possible by transfering money. Instead I offered toher to pay the ticket to fly back and forth to Germany and she just has to pick up the ticket at the international airport in Russia, where it will be deposited under her name. That was my plan. But she has refused that offer. She wrote me back, that it would be possible for her to get the ticket for a much lower price and she did not want me to pay such a huge price for the ticket. She wrote me that she will no longer travel within 2017 to Germany and instead she will share her holidays including christmas and new years eve, that she initialy saved to visit me in Germany, with her parents in another town. She offered to think again about visiting me in Germany in 2018 as soon as her holidays are over.

    Now I believe that I did not treat her right. Of course one has to be very careful when getting in touch with unknown people by means of the Internet. My ratio tells me that I acted the right way in deciding to not send her money to pay the documents necessary to travel to Germany. However my heart is very said. It has been the first time ever for a very long time that I felt in love with a woman and I cannot reject the feeling that I have made a big mistake that cannot be rolled back. I am thus in the middle of thinking about the possibility to travel to her place in order to prove to her my love, however I do not yet know on how to execute this plan.

    Now, dear inventors of the TV show «We are going to marry», you are entering into the scene. My Russian girlfriend has told me about your TV show, in which you give to European man the possibility to get introduced to Russian women and give to them the opportunity to chose one of those women to visit their home town in Europe. My Russian girlfriend loves your TV show. She has big romantic feelings and I like that.

    I can imagine that the story that I just have told to you could be very interesting for your TV show. And I can imagine as well that my Russian girlfriend would be overwelmed when she would meet me for the first time in real life in your TV show.

    If you are interested in further developing this idea I would be glad to get an affirmative answer from you.

  2. Galina:

    Are you seriously believe in such projects? If you’re not a fake you should live any contacts to connect with you.

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